
This is a menu based program editor written in OpenGL and C.

This project is a graphical package of all the programs as integrated menu based application. It has been developed using OpenGL libraries and C. The main objective is to enable the user to execute different graphical programs by click of a button in the given menu. The package consists of a user interface, which has different buttons, each being linked to a different program.

The main feature of this project is implementation of a menu for all the programs using the basic and commonly used components of graphical routines. The list of programs include, Line clipping algorithms like Cohen-Sutherland and Liang-Barsky algorithms. Programs like cube rotation, rotation of a house-like figure to a given angle have been implemented using the concept of translocation. Simple geometric objects like cylinder, parallelepiped, mesh etc. are also a part of this package. The common aspects of Computer Graphics like geometric objects, transformations, input and interaction, viewing, lighting and shading have been combined with suitable and simple graphics programming.

Screen shots: